How can a small balcony be the best fit for a garden?

I want to make a garden in my small balcony.

Small spaces need a lot of creativity to manage it beautifully. A balcony always complements as an extension to the indoor space. With tiny balconies, the objective should be to bring the outdoors in. Even in a tiny balcony, having greenery shifts the focus from the boundaries of your walls. Do not clutter the space with too many plants. Begin with a minimum number of plants that do not need much of a maintenance. You can keep shades of one color with green being constant throughout all the seasons. A small balcony can be useful and good looking and it can be decorated well to match the styling of indoors. You can furnish the balcony with fold-able or limited furniture and accessories with window boxes or hanging planters. This enhances both the indoor and outdoor space.