I wanted to get an open kitchen for my new home

Is it advisable to have one? What are the disadvantages of having an open kitchen?

Having an open kitchen is great, if you are more of a family person, and love talking to them all the time. It’s also a great way to save floor space, and in case you love playing the host, it’s a great way to keep your guests entertained, even while you are in the kitchen.

However, it does have a few cons. There can be a variety of different sounds from the kitchen which are unavoidable during the prep, cooking and cleanup activities such as the sound of the grinder, the pressure cooker whistles, and the clatter of dishes, etc.

Another possible reason is the usage of strong spices in Indian cuisines , case in point being the tadka , which does emit a strong odor that easily wafts around the kitchen space causing discomfort to the people around .

Additionally, while an open kitchen is a great way to keep talking to your guests during a house party, an unclean kitchen can put them off.

With open kitchens, there is also the loss of storage space - Especially more so if a partition wall needs to be eliminated!

Of course, there is always a way to minimise the disadvantages. For instance,

Installing the right ventilation set-up using windows, exhaust fans and electric chimneys above the gas burner can help smoke out the odour problem completely.

Additionally, installing a sliding door can help mitigate the issue of privacy to a large extent. Various other partitioning ideas such as plants, hanging kitchen accessories can help too.

Go for a service window large enough to serve an adjacent dining area next to it, if you do not want to consider breaking the partition wall between the kitchen and the dining area.

A partly etched glass partition can serve as a good means to separate the kitchen and the living/dining room.

Kitchen cabinets can be installed along the partition serving a dual purpose of defining an open look and providing the necessary storage space.

Or, you could make it a smart extension to your dining area!